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7 Life-Changing Documentaries

As documentaries are grounded in true stories, they can inspire in a way fictionalized films can’t. The emotional impact can be more thrilling than any blockbuster because they’re based on facts, which explains their appeal. Here are 7 of the very best (in my opinion) inspirational documentaries you can find—enjoy!

Feel free to screenshot these or save them as a pin in your must-see movies board on Pinterest! I truly believe knowledge is the best weapon, (or tool). Don’t want to sound too aggressive. I did watch these docs, some more times than others and I truly believe that I have put together an important list of movies that will change your life for good. Having a deeper understanding of certain things is important nowadays when we are being bombarded with what theory works and what tips to listen to, what to eat, and so on.

Watch out, because these films are powerful, shocking, heartbreaking, and intense, and each will expand the horizons of the viewers open to learning more about the world!


Bob Marley remains a global superstar, and this documentary delves deep into his life to reveal a complex man with a natural gift for music. Poignant and thoroughly inspiring.

Watch Marley the movie now

Food Matters

Yes. If there was ever a time to watch this, it might be now. What we put in our bodies matters, just as much as knowing where it came from! Knowledge is wealth. Health is wealth.

Watch Food Matters movie now


“The 1969 Woodstock Festival has gone down in legend. What really stands out is the quality of the music on display; whether it’s Richie Havens, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, or Joe Cocker. It’s emotional music and it’s performed before an audience of 500,000!” When I saw the movie, it had changed my perspective on how I viewed the 60’s hippie era. I understood how they felt, I understand the innocence that once existed and it’s slowly fading away. I do recommend you to see the movie!

3 days. Defined a generation.

Watch Woodstock the full movie now


Living materialistically is, in many ways, living the American Dream — and that’s what our society wants us to believe. But ultimately, material items and consumption cannot provide us with long-lasting happiness.

Watch Minimalism The Movie it now

What The Health

“What are the pharmaceutical companies not telling us? This documentary explores the dark side of drug companies and government collusion that is costing us big bucks and keeping us sick.”

When I first saw that movie I was so shocked I cried and then I laughed because it was just like I saw the truth. I’m now watching it frequently, as well as recommending it to everyone who is thinking about transitioning into a plant-based diet. Now it might be a great time!

(Tell you what. If you watch What The Health and still eat hot dogs and mozzarella sticks after, call me.)

Watch What The Health movie now

A plastic ocean

Plastic is overwhelming our oceans and harming the creatures within. Two activists explore the environmental impacts of plastic waste and what can be done to fix the massive ocean pollution problem.

Personally, this one fell very close to my heart. I’m so passionate about our environment, keeping the nature pristine and living a life with low impact. Unfortunately, we have been taking some wrong decisions in the past that our oceans, rivers, and lake are now paying for. Plastic pollution is getting more serious every year and realizing how our little daily choices make all the difference, completely shifted my perspective.

Watch a Plastic Ocean The Movie now

The Game Changers

I saved the best for last. Oh my God. What a game changer this movie is! I have watched it a few times already since it has come out and I cannot believe how heart-shifting the story is. No matter what you are doing right now, drop it and go see the movie. Do yourself a big favor! And then brag about seeing it and recommend it to everyone you know (because that is what you will do, everyone does!!!)

If you are an athlete, professional or amateur, I don’t care… This is for you… Improving in a sport we love, isn’t that everyone’s dream? Well, they might as well share a secret with you!

Watch The Game Changers Movie Now

Alright, but this isn’t it! I have included some YouTube videos you can also watch if you are interested in similar topics. (Sports, improvement, self-care, environment, arts). Enjoy.


More about Alenka

“My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

Follow me on Instagram: @alenkaamali

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