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4 Things You’re Doing Wrong In The Morning

As they say, how important it is to live your 1st of January day right, because that is how the rest of the year will go – many studies have shown how important it also is to start every morning right! What is right anyway? Whatever works for you. As long as you’re leaving your house happy, nourished, well-rested and motivated to carry on with your fulfilling work, without the need of a crazy caffeine fix! Are you?

I will take a wild guess here, of how your morning routine looks like: You wake up to a generic alarm clock sound, roll out of bed, get dressed, grab a quick breakfast (or leave that for the classic to go and eat it in the car), and leave the house still rubbing your eyes and yawning. Promising yourself that tonight, you’ll go to sleep before midnight.

How would I know?

Because we all do it — it’s the only way we know how. (Well, I’m one of the lucky ones who managed to escape the morning craziness. Mornings have become my sacred part of the day. I love my morning routine and it is the only time in the day, where I have me all to myself!). Living in Squamish, BC has given me a chance to appreciate nature a little more, so I love waking in early and going for a walk, or a bike ride! Sometimes just even sitting on our porch, wrapped in a cozy blanket, sipping tea and watching the sunrise, makes my day! (literally!) It’s the little things, you know? Those make our mornings special. Whether is cuddling your partner or your dog, enjoying a nice Earl Grey with a splash of almond milk, or going for a morning run to freshen up your mind!

The way you spend your morning can add a certain flavor to the rest of your day. When things start out feeling stressful, you can experience a “downward spiral” of negative events and stressful responses. Basically, if you start off your day from a place of feeling centered, you will be better able to handle what comes and enjoy the rest of your day to a fuller extent.

What does it mean, feeling centered?

Starting off our day in the morning, feeling centered is important in my opinion (as much as according to many other studies on depression and anxiety) and good for our health. Every now and then, we all feel out of touch – lost with ourselves. Like we aren’t sure about what we’re doing or if we are actually doing it right. Feeling like we nobody in this world, a shell without a purpose. Does that sound familiar? Well, then my friend I got news for you: You are human! While it’s natural to feel lost at times, these times don’t need to be fraught with fear or depression. By using these times to self-reflect and to turn to meditative and grounding activities, you will establish a routine that will serve you not only to help feel centered again, but will also foster deep healing and personal growth.It is totally normal to hit periods like that and these couple tips can get you back to feeling centered. Feeling yourself again;

Practise breathing! In…. and Out… In…. and Out…. DEEP breaths of nothingness… Grounding yourself and connecting to the earth, connecting to your body with these deep long breaths.

Remind yourself – why! Why are you doing what you’re doing? What is your mission, goal, and purpose in your life? Does it align with the work you do? Do you work within your values?

Stretch your body. There is a reason why they call yoga a movement of your home. You connect to the Earth as you connect to your body. Two most important homes in your life.

There are so many better ways to start your day than by following the usual patterns of the modern society. Here are 4 things you might be doing, and you might want to think of changing. Magically – your day will shift! Just like that. Of course, these are my suggestions, things I had been doing and changing them, helped me be more productive, happier and energized throughout the day.

Waking up in the morning and checking your phone

I think this one qualifies as the problem of the century. An absolutely horrible habit has visited many homes in this day and age, and not just visited. From teenagers to parents, to nannies, and even grandparents. Somehow it became totally normal to sleep with our phone, next to the bed. This not only is bad for our healthy (radiation) but also creates a very distracting object and makes us have the need to check our notifications all the time. Which leads to disturbed sleep patterns and more anxiety!

What can I do?

Leave your phone in the kitchen, let it charge and take notifications that you can check after breakfast. Buy an alarm clock. Cuddle your partner or your pet, instead of scrolling Instagram even before you can open your eyes.

self care, morning routine, alenka mali, squamish photography, lifestyle photography

Not listing 3 things you’re grateful for

I love this. It is a beautiful practice, that can not only shift your whole day but also remind you of what you have, instead of what you don’t! It can be as simple as saying: I am grateful for the sun. Grateful for this coffee and grateful for the fulfilling work, waiting for me at the office.

See more of what I do for work

Waking up 5 minutes before you’re supposed to leave

Take your time! You have all the time in the world. And million other things you need to stress about in your whole day, why should being late be one of them?

What can I do?

If you’re one of those, who are constantly running late, simply set your alarm to wake you up 15 or 30 minutes earlier than usual! Are there some things that you’re always trying to rush in the morning which you could do the evening before? For example, picking out your work clothes, or ironing a shirt? Maybe breakfast! I love making my overnight oats a night before, and just enjoy them without any preparation after I wake up! Also, pack your bag for work or school before you go to sleep! Set it at the door so it’s ready to go when you are!

Starting your day without a full glass of water

Water. The source of life! You can’t argue with this one. Drinking a full glass of water in the mornings is one of the best ways to start your day. Why? Because it speeds up your metabolism, energizes you for the day and naturally wakes you up. Many studies have shown how those who drink one full glass of water after they wake up, feel more energized and crave less caffeine!

What can I do?

Set a glass of water, next to your bed to have it ready in the morning. Or pour one in the evening, squeeze some lemon juice in it and have it ready in the fridge.

Hi girls. Fellow women with the monthly visit…

I would like to thank Ruby Cup for sponsoring this post! Full disclosure, I had been using the menstrual cup for over 2 years now and all I can say is that I’m a big fan. Nothing more life-changing than the ease, this cup had brought me. When it comes to mornings, if anything, using the cup has helped me waking up calmer than before when I’m on those days. Why? Because the cup doesn’t leak! Nah-ah!

For me, this was the easiest transition. I am happy to show you the world of simple! I use Ruby Cup! I’ve never had any trouble with leaking, or that, I also think it is the simplest thing to use! But beyond the product itself, I am in love with their brand. The creators of Ruby Cup are really passionate about giving back to women!

They are famous for their BUY ONE, GIVE ONE program.

For every cup they sell, they donate one to a girl or woman without access to menstrual care products. A girl whose life will be drastically improved by this simple act of giving.

You’ll be helping a fellow girl, as well as helping to reduce the negative impact that disposable sanitary products have on the planet. It just goes to show that when we all do something small, the changes can be huge.

It’s time for a change. What do you say?

Shop your Ruby Cup!

Here is why you should turn your “time of the month” into a zero-waste routine:

Saving money.

Minimizing the trash and with that your carbon footprint and environmental impact as a woman to a bare minimum (pretty much nothing).

Choosing to support small businesses and companies.

Making things very very very simple for yourself.

Shop for Ruby Cup

One or more little tips to include in your morning routine:

Keep the blinds open. Wake up with beautiful sunlight (or natural light on cloudy days) if you can! There is nothing better than that.

Do yoga. Yes, I know I sound like a broken record. But try to stretch for 10 minutes every day and see how your day turns out! Energized and on a more positive note, probably.

Here are 8-morning yoga poses, you should be doing!

Get a good night’s sleep! There is nothing better than feeling rested after a solid 7 or 8 hours of sleep!

If you have trouble sleeping – I strongly suggest that you start using CBD oil. I shop for mine at Nuleaf. As mentioned in my post about our Denmark trip!

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Ski touring in Austria, with my family.

Life update: I am writing these words of wisdom on a beautiful Sunday morning. It’s cold, which isn’t uncommon, for this time of the year in Slovenia. I’ve been here for a week now, and the picture above is from yesterday’s ski touring adventure. It’s good to spend some time in Europe again!

Speaking about trips, what are your plans for this spring/summer? If you’re headed to explore a new country, on your own or with your family, Airbnb and I are gifting you – 45 $ OFF your first trip!

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