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My 2021 Photography Goals

Goals! They are so exciting to think about, very easy to write down and get excited about completing them! Even easier, it is to forget about them, unfortunately. So I sat down and asked myself. How do I set goals that I am going to achieve and complete?

See more: Developing Your Own Style As A Photographer

See more: Describing The indescribable

A great formula to use for that is a SMART formula. SMART goals are an awesome tool for setting and attaining any goal, and they apply to more than just health and lifestyle changes. I first learned about SMART goals while learning study habits in high school!


S – Specific. It’s narrowed down into a small enough goal that you can actually achieve it.

For example: I would like to sell 6 prints every month.

My photography prints

M- Measurable. You need to be able to measure your goal so that you know when you’ve met it and when you’re not quite there yet!

For example: “Do all of my workouts,” isn’t really a measurable goal. Do 2 workouts every day is a measurable goal.

A- Attainable. Now, I’m a huge fan of dreaming big and not limiting yourself when it comes to plans for the future and dreams in life… but I also think it’s really important to make sure you don’t set yourself up for failure.

For me, this means not setting lifestyle-change goals and expecting to quit something I love cold turkey and take on a challenging new habit 100% from day 1. The way I balance challenging myself and staying inspired, while also not setting myself up for failure is by having TWO goals. I have my main goal, and then I set a stretch goal.

For example, if I have $800 extra in my budget each month when I don’t overspend, eat out, buy birthday gifts for someone, etc… then my main goal could be to save $600 per month. That’s an attainable goal. Then, if I want to really push myself because I’m saving for something special, I can set a stretch goal to save the full $800 extra (or even to find a way to earn an extra $100 so that I could save $900 that month)! That way, I’m not set up for failure, I’m not crushing my ambitions, and I have a solid way to hold myself accountable for the main goal I want to accomplish.

R- Relevant. You want your goal to be relevant to your priorities and values, otherwise… it’ll be tough to stick to it! The first time you have an excuse to jump off the train, you want to make sure you know WHY you’re doing what you’re doing so you can stick with it!

For example, if you love reading, you are a student and work in an office, and you think you’d like to learn to write… but you’ve never really had a passion for writing and there’s nothing, in particular, you want to write about… setting a goal to write a book in 60 days wouldn’t exactly make sense, and you probably wouldn’t finish! But if you set a goal to read two books in the next 60 days, as someone who loves reading, that makes a lot of sense! Or to earn a certain number of credits within the next semester- that would make sense because you are a student and obviously working toward your graduation. A relevant goal is much easier to stick to.

If you are reading this and you are a photographer – make sure to take my class on photography in tropics ~ FREE for a limited time.

T- Time-bound. This is a HUGE one for accountability! You want to make your goals time-bound. (Keep in mind you want them to be Attainable and don’t put yourself in too much of a bind, but remember that it’s okay to push yourself a little bit, you know? Find your balance, it’s okay if it takes some trial and error.)

Another way to use the time for your goals is to set the amount of time you want to do the thing for. When you’re building a habit, 21-90 days is a good range to start out with.

So, now you know what SMART goals are!

As for me, I love journaling. Every day, twice a day. I will journal, reflect, comment and talk about my day. Go through to-do lists and make sure I am keeping up with my goals, time-wise.

I did put down my 10 photography goals for 2020 and I thought it might be fun to share them with the world. I think that way they’re more likely to happen (since other people know about it, they can hold you accountable for your decisions.)

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My 10 photography goals for 2021

shoot for fun, not just for work

gear up to shoot in the water. capture beautiful surfing photos at the sunset.

do a 30-day photographing challenge with a specific object for every day.

get published in another magazine.

develope one film roll per month.

edit every. single. day. practise makes perfect.

produce a documentary on plastic pollution.

create another photography course and host 3 photography workshops.

write down what inspires me. make a mini video of it all.

take incredible ski photos. learn how to shoot good in snow. capture the mountains.

FOCUS. Focus is something I will “focus on” this year! I sometimes have a hard time focusing, sitting down, and doing the work. Ya feel me? Something that has been helping me a lot is CBD oil. I found out that only 10 drops in my tea or under my tongue make a huge difference already. Want to give it a try? The code RSLV-ALENKIS will give you a discount on any of your orders!

also // create weekly videos. film more and get good at editing.

What are your 2021 goals? Share them over a story on Instagram and tag me. I will repost it. @alenkaamali

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More about Alenka

“My name is Alenka and I’m a Squamish based photographer. I love using my medium to capture sports, adventures, underwater shots, adventures in the mountains and days on snow! Very simply put, I’m one stoked girl, ready to get up at 2 in the morning and hike for sunrise, go to the airport and take a random flight…you name it!

Photography, web design and digital marketing have been things I’m proud to call my job lately! Very flexible, lots of traveling and even more adventures than when I was a kid. Here, on my website I share tips on photography, spreading awareness about the zero-waste lifestyle and sustainability and crazy stories from my travels. Welcome.”

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Editing photos

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Photography (free mini-course)

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